Protect your company and your assets with professional security

Your business is your livelihood, and it must be protected. A professionally installed security system is the best way to ensure the safety of your business and assets. But not all security solutions are the same. To protect your investment, you should only work with top-tier companies which is why we use best-in-class Qolsys quality of life systems in our installations.

Qolsys uses a wireless system, so you don’t need to worry about a lengthy wired installation. Seamlessly integrate access control, surveillance cameras, occupancy sensors, locks and alarms under one interface to bring you unprecedented peace of mind. Why is it so important to upgrade the business security system in your Loveland, CO property? We outline the top reasons below as well as the Qolsys features that can make the biggest impact.

Deter criminals.

The best security plan is proactive, not reactive. A professional business security system will deter criminals from targeting your business by making it clear it won’t be easy to commit one there. A variety of window and door sensors are offered by Qolsys to ensure that if anyone does attempt to enter your premises after hours, you will be immediately notified and the alarms will go off. Alarms will alert criminals that they have been detected while summoning police quickly when needed.  

The presence of security cameras and decals, indicating that you have security, will make it more imposing. It will also reassure your clients and business partners that you are committed to safety. A professional business security system will also give you a high return on investment. Insurance companies will recognize the presence of a comprehensive security system and lower your insurance premiums because it reduces the chance of a criminal targeting your property.

Maintain Peace of Mind

If something happens at your business in the middle of the night or while you’re away from your property, you are usually out of luck. A Qolsys security system lets you monitor your business no matter where you are, giving you continuing peace of mind. You receive an immediate notification when there is an incident so you can respond quickly.

It’s easy to train workers to use the intuitive Qolsys IQ panels compared to traditional security keypads, easing their anxieties and helping them to focus on work. The panels can be used to check on security status, unlock doors, and even communicate with external video intercoms.  

On top of the intuitive Qolsys IQ panel used to monitor your property during business hours, Qolsys offers an app that extends those features to anywhere in the world and sends you notifications when anything is amiss.

Employee Management

If your business isn’t client-facing, you can even implement access control systems in your office so that only authorized personnel can enter the building. The Qolsys IQ system uses partitions to section off certain areas of your building, so that employees can only access the areas that they work in. Once they scan their credentials at the Qolsys IQ panel, you will receive a notification that they have arrived as well as a picture of the person inputting the credentials so that you know it is them.

Look at detailed logs to see which employees are accessing the different parts of the building at what times and let in delivery personnel when they notify you that you have a package through a panel at the entrance. Check your logs to monitor opening and closing procedures and compare them across multiple days. Employee management has never been easier with access control from Qolsys. Are you interested in installing a business security system in Loveland? Locktech has been the most trusted locksmith in northern Colorado for four decades. From keys to complete Qolsys security systems, no problem is too big or too small. Contact us at 970-593-3020 or fill out our online form to get started on your project today! We would love to hear from you.