The team at Greeley Lock and Key is keeping an eye on all the latest news about the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States and around the world, and we are taking all necessary precautions to keep our employees, clients, and community safe during this time. We wanted to provide an update from the security industry. We are a provider of essential products and services deemed necessary by the government in order to maintain safety and security, which includes both residential and commercial security products and services. We will continue to serve our community as long as we are permitted to do so.

We also wanted to share the steps we have taken to be able to continue to provide these products and services during this time:
• Both of our retails stores are open for business during our regular business hours. If you would like us to meet you at the curbside to pickup up your keys, locks, etc., we would be happy to do so. Our phone number is 970.353.7880.
• Our team is cleaning on an ongoing basis to make sure that doors, counters, etc. are all disinfected.
• We can provide virtually any support needed on our technology products through a web meeting or phone support.
• Our field techs are available 24/7 for any security needs that may arise.

We love our community and know this is a trying time for all of us. We are here for you and will continue to provide the security services needed to keep you safe and secure.